It has been a while since I have been on because my difficult child was doing really well up until 3 weeks ago.
Just got back from the dr. and he has changed his medications again. He has taken him off the imipramine he was on due to a side effect of not being able to breath thru his nose at night. He was...
Only because we had a family vacation planned, and I had to spend so much time with-him when he was sick, grumpy, and undermedicated, I thought we would kill one another yesterday. So I am enjoying a kid- and husband-free evening at home! Woo hoo!
Thiis is what the dr ordered.
Except I caught difficult child's...
If we manage difficult childs environment so much as to not allow any disappointing moments or any frustration then we have a mostly content child and no blowups. That would mean not telling him no, not telling him to do anything he doesnt want to do, buying him poker chips for his online game when he...
Sigh. He doesn't think it will "stick" after difficult child gets out, especially if I only send him for 1 yr.
He also said that between the two programs I narrowed it down to, difficult child's depression is secondary to the Asperger's. (by the way, he said it took him a long time to get on board with, since difficult child is so high...
difficult child has been taking the bus straight to his girlfriend's house and avoiding coming home until later. One of those give him an inch issues.
He still hadn't finished his second English paper, and was supposed to do math, as well as practice NILD on a chalkboard at home.
So I decided to give him natural...
Hi all, I'm Anita, and I just found this board. My 10 year old son has ODD, with no apparent other diagnosis. We've been doing a social communication group, and therapy, but are wondering if there is any kind of "mood stabilizing" medication that might help. B is such a nice boy on a day to day...
Hi all and good morning. Just joined the site this morning, but thought I would get my introduction out of the way...
I am 30 yrs old and engaged to my fiance of 5 yrs. We are a blended family with my 7 yr old son from a previous relationship and my fiance's 10 yr old daughter from a...
Hi. My name is Sarah. I have two sons, 14 and 12. The older one has aspergers, diagnosed (finally) at age 12. Till then they called it ADHD. It seems to be much more than either of these. He has many services, has been on many medicines, and is still out of control. He does and says...
Bug's neuropsychologist raised the possibility of bipolar disorder recently and I'm trying to learn as much about it as I can. Right now, his diagnoses are Tourette Syndrome, ADHD, Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), and Sensory Integration Disorder (SID). He also shows some signs of NLD. He is almost 7 yo.
Bug has always been a very hyper child...
I'm exhausted and fed up today. difficult child generally is doing much better these days, especially at school. He has made a number of friends (including a BEST friend), he is doing great academically, and his anxiety level is way down. But, he is still hitting and threatening husband, easy child, and me on a...
difficult child knocked on my ofc door about 45 min ago, and when I opened it, he was in tears, his face was all red, and he was sweating. He said he was really, really depressed and didn't know what to do with-himself and he was walking around in circles.
I took him downstairs and gave him an Impiprimine and...
Hi all,
we visited the psychiatrist today. We are trying Imiprimene, which I'd wanted b4 we wasted our time (and difficult child's health) on Prozac and Zoloft, but you know how you have to jump through hoops.
I hope this works. We have to do a blood draw in 6 wks. It also helps with-bedwetting and is...
Bug had a really weird day sleepy he couldn't really function. This is the third time this has happened in the past month or so and this time was by far the worst. He had trouble getting up yesterday morning (not so unusual) and stayed grumpy all the way to school (also not...