
  1. J

    Losing control

    I am a single mother Who just recently returned from a year in afganistan. My 2 kids just moved back with me about a month ago. My 6 year old has had behavior problems going on almost 4 years. The last week he has been acting up at school and daycare, bad enough I had to pick him up. When we...
  2. J

    Luvox didn't work

    Hi! :) i tried the luvox last night for difficult child, it was a no go. i kinda figured her response would be same as years ago, increased mania. Yet i liked this medication, and truly wanted to give it a try. thanks goodness i only did 25mg and cut the original dose. I"m telling you i have soo many medications...
  3. gcvmom

    Skin picking... what's causing this, and how do we stop it?

    difficult child 1 used to take Lexapro for his Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD). It helped with his needle phobia TREMENDOUSLY. But... We had lots of problems with him when stimulants wore off in terms of his over-the-top oppositionality, defiance, mouth, tantrums, yada, yada, yada. Door slamming, slashing a screen, running off...
  4. nvts

    Medication Information/Assistance

    Hi! difficult child 1 is at it again! He's back in the psychiatric hospital. for an overnight due to a meltdown (got home around midnight last night!). Very - extrememly long story...he's in a Community Residence about 5 miles away so I'm not involved on the daily behaviors. He comes home for about 5 hours on Saturdays...
  5. Sarmandak

    Not sure where to start

    My son is 11. He was recently diagonised with Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD), Mood Disorder-not otherwise specified and Conduct Disorder. He is also a heart patient. He was born with multiple heart defects and has had corrective surgery 4 times. The last surgery was when he was 5 and was a heart valve replacement. We started to notice huge...
  6. L

    I think I am ready to give up on her

    Hello everyone, It has been a few weeks since I last posted. Suffice it to say that it has been pretty much one constant crisis with my 17 yr old daughter. Her m.o. over the past few months has been to violate curfew, leave the house and refuse to answer her phone to tell me where she is, and...
  7. M

    Coming off Celexa

    It's been a couple weeks that I started weaning difficult child off the Celexa. I am definitely seeing a return of anxiety. Just tonight he could't fall asleep because he started thinking "what would happen if we were killed in our sleep". I hadn't seen this in a while, the celexa really did help with...
  8. A

    Update on 5 yr old daughter

    Hi, remember me (the overnight change). We went for the second blood test for strep, and it was negative. I know the doctor is not up on PANDAS, and I still think he might have missed something. We have an appointment for a full physical next friday, and I am going to ask for a neuro workup...
  9. flutterby


    The NP-psychiatrist we were seeing was a huge disaster. After becoming severely depressed on Luvox, then Buspar, her response was, "Maybe medications aren't the answer." I spoke my mind, and then cried for 20 minutes after I got off the phone. We saw a new psychiatrist Thursday who we both really like and who was...
  10. nvts

    medications anyone? HELP!!

    Just talked to the Dean of Students at difficult child 1's school. They're getting worried. He's always been a big talker when it comes to frustration. "I'm going to kill (insert professional here). Yesterday, during a meltdown, he blew up saying he was going to kill the bus driver if he didn't get to...
  11. J

    Has anyone had success with SSRI's the second time around?

    Over the past 3 years, difficult child 2 has tried Lexapro (caused headaches, feeling that something wasn't right), Prozac (couldn't sleep), Zoloft (suppressed her appetite, causing her to lose weight), Luvox (muscle twitches, impulsivity), and Paxil (2 days, raging). Some of her "side effects" like the...
  12. Janna

    What To Do When There Are No More medications 2 Try?

    Honestly, I think we've done most of them. This is kind of a follow up to the ADHD thing. We did meet with psychiatrist on Friday, and she was gracious (as always) to go ahead with my thoughts on re-trying the Concerta (just one more time, even though we've tried it two or three times, I keep hoping...
  13. Janna

    Residential Treatment Facility (RTF) Admisson

    Well, we got there. Took a few weeks to get it all together, but he's in. We left here yesterday around 8 AM, I got home arund 8 PM. Typical intake - signing my life away to releases and insurance documents and such. Met with psychiatrist and therapist together - both seem pretty nice. I asked about...
  14. daralex

    Anxiety disorder - medication question

    I haven't been here for a while as 15 yr old difficult child was actually doing well for a while. Well hush my mouth and call me stupid! The last few months have been agony!!!! She is now diagnosed with general anxiety disorder and possibly Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD). She is afraid to socialize to the point that she just doesn't...
  15. S

    Tell me what you know about effexor withdrawl

    We have decided to wean difficult child off 90%of his medications, give him a break then re introduce a new medication after we see what his symptoms are. He started Depakote for BiPolar with Seroquel, he only takes the Seroquel "as needed" it makes him very sleepy. Then they added Effexor for depression and anxiety...
  16. M

    Help! My son is OBSESSED with weather (rain)

    This is the first time I have posted on here. Can someone tell me if they have ever heard of this. My ten year old son who has ADHD and ODD is completey obsessed with the weather, especially rain. If it is raining, he refuses to go outside. If is is not raining, he is constantly asking...
  17. G

    Anyone's kid get goofy on Risperdal?

    Hi, I'm new here, so if I'm not posting to the proper place, I'm sorry. I've been googling for months for info that might help my son. He's 6 and ADHD/severe anxiety (ODD flows out of the anxiety, but he's not really your typical ODD kid). We've tried different medication trials for a year, and...
  18. B

    Our own good/bad experiences with medications for our kids

    Someone suggested this and I thought it was a good idea. We have to remember that everyone is different and that this isn't a "yes" or "no" on anything, just our own children's experineces. I'll start. Ritalin was my son's first medication and it didn't do anything much for him. He was then put on...
  19. G

    difficult child II going on Luvox

  20. C

    Possible medicine side effect?? (Urine control issue)

    I just observed the strangest thing. difficult child had been in bed for about 10-15 m. I noticed his bathroom light turn on and then heard the sound of liquid flowing. It was very loud and different sounding so I got up to figure out what in the world he was doing. I found him standing there in the...