Good morning,
It has been a long time since I posted here. My drug addicted, shizoaffective niece, is coming up on a year in a lockdown mental health facility. She has come a really long way, and also seems to be somewhat stable on her medications. The staff of the facility feel as if it is time to...
1 in 6 school children meet criteria for mental disorder diagnosis, according to CDC study1 in 6 school children meet criteria for mental disorder diagnosis, according to CDC study - Big Think
Symptoms of mental illness in children are often dismissed as "going through a phase."
2020 CDC...
Some of the most common mental disorders, including depression, anxiety and PTSD, might not be disorders at all, according to a recent paper by Washington State University biological anthropologists.
In the paper, published in the Yearbook of Physical Anthropology, the researchers propose a new...
Study shows brains of adolescents struggling with mental illness are structurally different than healthy peers.
New research from University of Alberta neuroscientists shows that the brains of adolescents struggling with mental-health issues may be wired differently from those of their healthy...
Posted on behalf of @brokenmama:
Hi all- so happy to have found that we are so not alone. Long story short, we are at our wits end with our 21 year old son. He suffers mental illness and personality disorder, and like so many can be completely "normal", charming and bright...but most often we...
Half of those who develop a severe mental disorder such as depression prior to the age 20, will also develop an anxiety disorder within the next 15 years. This is just one of the many results on the relationship between various mental disorders mapped out
The new research from the National...
A mother’s story of why mental illness ‘should never be a crime’ - PBS
A mother's story of why mental illness 'should never be a crime'
Jerri Clark’s son Calvin was in college when his erratic behavior began, eventually leading to a diagnosis of bipolar disorder. His run-ins with law...
Well, C reached out to me again, so I know he's alive at least. But of course, there is drama.
After a couple of days of sleeping rough, he reached back out to his dad again and begged for another chance there. He's never asked to move in with me - I think he already knows what my answer will...
I’m new here and hoping to find some perspective and advice. I am trying to figure out how to help my 32 year old son, C. He’s always struggled but is at a crisis point now and I don’t know whether the answer is ‘hold firm on the tough love/non-enabling line’ or ‘throw him a stronger life...
I am new to the forum and it has been helpful to read that I am not alone.
I have a 25 year old son who has severe ADD and has been diagnosis as bipolar although I'm not sure about this. He definitely has a conduct -personality disorder. To make a very long story short he ran away constantly...
'Hygiene hypothesis' likely applies to psychiatric disorders too, study suggests
Children raised in a rural environment, surrounded by animals and bacteria-laden dust, grow up to have more stress-resilient immune systems and might be at lower risk of mental illness than pet-free city dwellers...
Hello! I've been reading through this forum and learning that (1) our family is not alone and (2) tough love is okay - even if it feels like it's killing you. But I'm struggling...and trying to make sense of my emotions. Our family has struggled with our oldest son (19) since he was 12. Prior to...
My daughter is 20, 21 in the new year. She's just come back from university (having already gone late) an absolute wreck. The university has encouraged her to defer her first year on mental health grounds and come back next September. She wasn't looking after herself at all in halls and it was...
Hi, I wrote here 9 months ago.
My father and I (adult daughter) are seeking advice on how to get an abusive (physical and emotional) son to move out of the house when his wife (my mother) is also a covert narcissist and the two live in a chronic, pathological co-dependent relationship in the...
Im at my wits end... just don't know what to do with this kid :-( we had a semi-decent day Sunday some light arguing from her but settled into the evening...and we were all watching tv and kids playing video games. daughter had the wii gamepad and you can get to Internet from that. I saw her typing a...
Homeless off and on over the past 2 years after leaving college for medical reasons, we and others take her in/back in due to her poor mental and physical health (bipolar, many physical conditions including kidney disease and neurological inflammation conditions). She became ill last week ...