mother feeling lost

  1. L

    When you don’t know what to do anymore, and you just want to give up.

    Backstory, I’m a single mum to three children 19 year old son, 17 & 15 year old daughters. My son has ADHD, autism and dyspraxia, 17 year old has autism and high anxiety, 15 year old has high anxiety. I split from there dad when my son was 8. My son was diagnosed around the age of 9. He moved to...
  2. Littleboylost

    As if This Wasn’t Hard Enough

    yup another night gone to pot as far as sleep goes. It’s after 1 am and I am fuming and can’t sleep. Son is in jail. Had a family friend visit him on Thursday and he was in the throws of detox. We decided to give it another week before we visit and I get this text this evening that has me...
  3. S

    New need support

    Warning, this is gonna be long. Having a very hard day...after several very hard years. I've been lurking around this website for a while now, thankful to have found it about a week ago. Our 19 year old daughter is once again, home "visiting" after her stay downtown at the park (or possibly...