We've been to a Christmas party at difficult child 1's in-laws. We of course took difficult child 3, he's been maybe slightly edgy but it's easy to put this down to the season, shopping and changes in routine. However, several times in the last couple of days he's been particularly resistant to changes in routine...
I really need some support from people who have been there.
Brendan is extremely smart. Lacks social skills, patience, manners, respect, etc. He was finally diagnosed with ADHD last year and was put on Ritalin and Celexa for his social anxieties. (scared of crowds) He has not hit...
How do you all deal with the constant stress?
Right now I am clinically depressed and fighting with myself constantly. I am so tired all the time and have no energy for anything. I tend to lock myself away in my bedroom and pray for absolute silence. I know this is hurting my youngest child...
I've seen a lot in the general press about general mental health problems associated with premature infants and those that have some type of birth trauma - common conditions seems to be ADHD and some show increased rates of autism. I have a question.
1. For parents of kids with definitive BiPolar (BP)...