
  1. hamsterwheel

    Is there hope?

    How do reach a child that is engulfed in abandonment and despair? She looks to her me, her mom for the answers, to guide her, to love her. Mother says you can reach for the stars, you can do it, only to come back with an empty hand, broken and defeated. My daughter, the reason I breathe is...
  2. L

    help please

    my difficult child is 12 and has been seeing doctors for years over being ADHD, BiPolar, Turrets, and conduct disorder. He has been in a special school (Washington State) for kids who have mental and behavioral disabilities. He was recently in a hospital for 9 days (our insurance would only cover for that...
  3. S

    OMG at my its end

    The stupid sleep disorder doctor is only a pediatrician pumenlogist(sp). She has no idea why he doesn't sleep, or why he wakes up so many times. I am going crazy, cause I am barely sleeping ie only a couple hours a night. His seizures has decreased, or at least I haven't noticed them. Anyways all this doctor...
  4. gcvmom

    I must be stupid.

    difficult child 1 clearly behaves as if I am. I put the cord lock back on his TV last weekend because of his beligerence towards pretty much the whole family. He was mouthy and swearing and slamming things. He was extremely irritable and the smallest things would set him off into an explosive rant. I...
  5. gcvmom

    difficult child 1 may be trying Clonidine for IBS of all things...

    What have others here used it for? What did it help, what did it make worse?
  6. SRL

    Sadlady Intro Post

    (I've moved your post to a thread of your own, so answers to two parents won't get confused. SRL) "My adopted daughter will be 7 in two weeks. She has ADHD/ODD. She has a total disrespect for me and my husband. Sometimes I am very sorry I adopted her. It's not the way my life was to go. I am...
  7. gcvmom

    Failed medications, starting from scratch...

    difficult child 2 had a really rough year in 4th grade -- thank goodness it's finished. He is lucky to be blessed with a lot of smarts -- his grades were great but his behavior marks were AWFUL. His ADHD medications and mood medications have not worked, so we have stopped everything and will start from scratch next...
  8. D


    My son Seth, is 10 years old and in the 5th grade. He has behaviour issues at school that the teachers and I have discussed. He has been placed in the In School Suspension program several times for his behavior. The teachers and I stay in contact daily. He brings home all of his classwork, and...
  9. crazymama30

    It is now official

    I have 2 difficult child's. easy child went into to see psychiatrist the other day, and psychiatrist thinks she is dealing with depression, anxiety and probably has attentional issues. She started her on zoloft and trazodone to sleep, will see how she is in a month (hopefully she does well on the zoloft) and then maybe start...
  10. S

    Need some input

    Well, we are on day 5 of starting Zyprexa. I have some questions. The doctor chose Zyprexa this time because it tends to cause weight gain, and with taking Concernta, where he only eats maybe once a day, we thought this might tend to balance it out. But, his appetite is just as poor as it was...
  11. B

    Taking difficult child Off Celexa

    I spoke to the psychiatrist last night and he finally agreed with me that taking difficult child off of Celexa was the way to go. We had hoped that it would help with his anxiety to the point that the tantrums would stop, but not only have they not stopped, but they have gotten worse. I think difficult child mistook me for a...
  12. gcvmom

    Remeron experiences?

    Well we are trying another tact with difficult child 1's anxiety issues. He weaned off Celexa and while that has proved helpful for curbing his impulsive destructiveness when he was angry, it's made him even MORE irritable and verbally abusive, and he's easily overwhelmed. So now we are adding Remeron to...
  13. W

    Seroquel and Abilify together?

    difficult child just turned 11 last week, and had a pretty stable 18 months since his five months stint in residential in 2007-2008. By stable I mean no physical violence towards people and no auditory hallucinations. We've had the usual impulsive behavior, food gorging/hoarding, lots of lying, and unless...
  14. K

    worse than ever

    AFter yesterdays episode with the boys shooting difficult child and destroying many things, difficult child was the saddest I ever saw. husband and I DID blow up at him. After a cooling down period I tried to talk to him, but he pushes me away. I tried to get him to go to the ice-rink/plex for teen night (middle school)...
  15. M

    Medication Possibilities

    I was just wondering what possible medication combinations would work for a child diagnosed with anxiety (social, Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD) and separation) and ADHD, AS signs and the possibility of underlying bipolar. I have to get back into the psychiatrist because the prozac just made him more oppositional and hyper so I didn't...
  16. Alisonlg

    Input on Mood Stabilizers, I'm working on getting an appointment very soon with the psychiatrist to review difficult child and his medications. I really want him OFF the Adderall and I want to discuss alternatives to adding an SSRI (like Zoloft) to his medication plan, which is what they wanted to add early this week. It's pretty obvious that the...
  17. K

    Depakote questions

    Well, difficult child and I got into it again today. Seems as if both of us just blow our tops. Maybe more me. He sent me a message at work today saying he broke his Wii (game system) controller. He threw it against the wall because he was getting beat. This is a common behavior forever. He cannot...
  18. TiredSoul

    How to teach difficult child to deal with frustration, disappointment, boredom, etc?

    If we manage difficult child’s environment so much as to not allow any disappointing moments or any frustration then we have a mostly content child and no blowups. That would mean not telling him no, not telling him to do anything he doesn’t want to do, buying him poker chips for his online game when he...
  19. flutterby


    psychiatrist increased Remeron to 30mg cause it was starting to peter out already - the sleep benefit was. 15mg didn't leave her with daytime fatigue. Do you think the 30mg will? She also wrote a PRN script for Doxapine 25mg for sleep. She said she could take it with the Remeron. Won't that be a...
  20. flutterby

    medication questions

    We have pretty much run out of AD's to try - unless we want to try the tryciclics (sp). Nothing has helped much (Zoloft, Welbutrin, Celexa, Lexapro, etc), and Prozac made difficult child intensely depressed complete with suicidal ideation and, at one point, a note and a plan. We are currently doing a medication...