

    Very upset...psychiatric tests came back

    Hi, everyone- I am close to distraught right now. difficult children therapist called and said they have been seeing many of the behaviors we have described since last night. difficult child has threatened a staff member with a needle, threatened to wake all the kids on the unit, kicked a staff member, and hit his...
  2. E

    need help with medications

    difficult child#1 is 9 years old. He did great most of last year. Last summer he just went down hill. He started melting down over nothing all the time, he became very violent, we now home school because he cant handle school. Anyway, the docs cant get his medications straight. He was on 7 at one time! We have him...
  3. crazymama30

    Input on medications

    So difficult child currently takes 5mg abilify and 50mg vyvanxe in the morning, and 10mg abilify, 250mg Lamictal and 7.5mg melatonin as needed at night. We also give him 2mg abilify as needed when he gets out of control, but sometimes that is not cutting it. I have seen more acting out lately, more...
  4. TerryJ2

    So, the psychiatrist upped the lithium dose

    We met with-him this afternoon and he does not think that what difficult child experienced was from the lithium. He thinks something led up to it. He said that an agitated response from lithium would be more prolonged and ongoing. He also wants us to start using Seroquel as a prn instead of clonidine, and only...
  5. L


    Hi all, difficult child 1 has been having hallucinations. Some history: difficult child 1 has been having hallucinations since he was 5 years old. Most of the time they are benign; stuff he isn't scared of. Once in a while they really scare him. They don't happen often. In the few months he has been back with us from...
  6. J

    she's ok.....says the teacher

    hi so i haven't vented in a while, so fasten your seatbelts..........:) it's been at least a day or so, i'm totally overdue ha ha i have been hearing from difficult child's school oh she's ok, she's doing alot better, she's talking, etc. meanwhile back at "reality" ranch a place I live in everyday...
  7. Critter Lover

    Is it possible that medications stop working after 5 to 6 yrs?

    My difficult child has been on the same medications(Depakote ER) for his Bipolar since he was 17 and other than them putting him to 3 or 4 pills nothing else has changed. I told his psychiatrist that something was not working right and she thinks is all about him controlling his temper...WHAT? :angry: It is hard...
  8. J

    How can chlonidine work one night and not another?

    so i have a question in regards to my difficult child who i can't figure out. how can it be that on some nights she is able to sleep without a problem when given the chlonidine and other nights she can't. it's almost as if it wasn't even given to her. those to me are the nights she is manic, when she...
  9. A

    In over my head 12 y.o. son with ADHD, Bipolar, CD and ICD/Intermittent Explosive Disorder (IED)

    This is my first time posting. I don't even know how I got here. I know most people who come to this site are feeling hopeless, I hope to hear from someone who has had any kind of success with their child. I am a stay at home mom with 4 children. My oldest is out of control. He has been in therapy with and...
  10. W

    Seroquel and Abilify together?

    difficult child just turned 11 last week, and had a pretty stable 18 months since his five months stint in residential in 2007-2008. By stable I mean no physical violence towards people and no auditory hallucinations. We've had the usual impulsive behavior, food gorging/hoarding, lots of lying, and unless...
  11. JJJ

    Need medication suggestion

    I need some medication suggestions that treat depression and anxiety in a teen girl who suffers from hallucinations. diagnosis: schitzoaffective, PTSD, attachment disorder, borderline mentally retarded, emerging personality disorder current medications: Vyvanse, Abilify, Thorazine I know you are not doctors, I am...
  12. L

    difficult child 2 is now 'an emergency' says psychiatrist

    Hardly know where to start. psychiatrist apparently finally saw the whole big picture today! History: Abusive Biodad and difficult child 1. difficult child 2 was diagnosis'ed BiPolar (BP) at age 9 (not 'official on paper'but treatment for it anyway) due to behaviors and mood swings, also put on IEP for emotional lability and dysgraphia. Put...
  13. B

    New to this forum...could really use HELP!!

    Hi, I am happy to have found a place where there are other people who have similar "war" stories!! You can't just talk to anyone about these things....they wouldn't believe you or I have had people say it is just a discipline issue!! Anyway, on to my problem or concern!! My 12 yr old son was...
  14. J

    got diagnosis, drug thorazine

    hi so i went to dr. and he diagnosis difficult child with bipolar (not otherwise specified), adhd, and severe anxiety disorder. so there it is my ex husband is screaming and carrying on which is a nightmare for me and additional stress. i think he's going to take legal action against me at this point and try to stop me from...