So difficult child has his second appointment with the Speech Therapist to assess him. The first one was a basic background appointment. I am not sure when he will get an actual evaluation which I will be asking about today (for possible ODD or ADHD).
The month of June has been horrible with him and I think he is getting worse with his defiant behavior and is even getting mean sometimes (esp. with his sisters). It has probably been more evident because I know what to look for. No amount of reasoning with him is working, punishments still aren't working and if he knew the F word, I am sure he would flip me off in no time.
I am so tired of fighting with him.
Ever see the movie Parenthood with Steve Martin? Yah - TJ would be the "I CAN'T FIND MY RETAINER!!!!!" child.
Hopefully I will have a successful appointment with him today.

The month of June has been horrible with him and I think he is getting worse with his defiant behavior and is even getting mean sometimes (esp. with his sisters). It has probably been more evident because I know what to look for. No amount of reasoning with him is working, punishments still aren't working and if he knew the F word, I am sure he would flip me off in no time.
I am so tired of fighting with him.
Ever see the movie Parenthood with Steve Martin? Yah - TJ would be the "I CAN'T FIND MY RETAINER!!!!!" child.
Hopefully I will have a successful appointment with him today.