Thank you Tired and RE. I’m feeling a bit more balanced tonight. It’s hard not to revisit the past sometimes, but I know ultimately it’s fruitless. It is what it is. And I have no way of knowing how things would have turned out even without their dad’s abuse. They still have a lot of strikes against them, from DNA to prenatal exposure to early experiences of abandonment. To imagine what life would be like otherwise is simply to imagine having entirely different kids.
Spent some time with E tonight talking about her grad school plans and had a video call with N and my grandsons. Haven’t talked to C since this call. And S is MIA right now. I have no idea where she’s living or whether she’s working. But for tonight I’ll just focus on the good relationships I have with E and N and N’s family.
Thanks, RE. All of you have helped me tremendously.
Same. I definitely struggle with faith. But what else can we do?