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Hi Janna


Vyvanse has worked really well for my difficult child 2.  He is on a really low dosage (only 20 mg)...The combo of lamictal and vyanse have really seemed to make a big difference for him.  Has Dylan ever taken lamictal?


There is child I know who is Asperger with a vareity of other issues and he seems to be doing really well right now with a combination of daytrana patch and focalin .  His mom puts the patch on at home and he takes the focalin in the health room when he gets to school....


The other High-Functioning Autism (HFA) child I know takes risperdal, focalin and prozac....


It's such a crazy thing...trying to improve attention....and decrease impulsivity...


And in the spring I hear tenex is coming out with a long acting medication that is supposed to really help with impulsivity and attention.  My psychiatrist is really looking forward to seeing how kiddos respond on this medication.
