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Exactly what Heather says.  to many better things to do.  difficult child will cut the lawn and do chores if there is nothing else to do.  But usually the computer or game systems win out.

It isn't worth the fight.  I do the laundry, fold the clothes.  Because of my elbow I cannot bring the baskets up.  If husband brings them up he usually puts them away for everyone.  I do not.  I tell difficult child that if he needs to get his clothes (all folded) and put them away.  That doesn't happen.  husband is far to fast and willing to go down stairs (bad knees and all) and get what ever he wants to wear and bring it to him.

I always worked either 5 am - 5pm, second or third shift.  So, I was never home in the morning.  husband always had the job of daycare delivery.  difficult child was in 4th or 5th grade and husband and I were both home. (doesn't happen often if at all).  I noticed him getting difficult child ready in the morning.  He put his jacket on the HEAT vent so it would be "warm" for him.  I was totally blown away.  Seems as if he helped him dress and warmed his jacket forever.  I told husband that I don't even pick out his clothes because it is a fight.  He gets himself ready and he NEEDS to be getting himself ready.  And he wears an "unwarmed" jacket!!
