Although this message wasn’t directly tied to my post, I assume it’s a reply to my message since it follows it. Although I have no idea whom Copa is, I think that it’s really great that a former supporter was able to link up with you despite your not being here for years. As a new “member,” this helps validate this site in my eyes. Words can’t quantify how alone we have felt as parents in this. The adage about misery living company isn’t what I would imagine any of of us are seeking. I wouldn’t wish our experiences with our children on anyone. Don’t get me wrong, we love our children in spite of themselves, but that doesn’t mean we should be oblivious to what they are.
As for the PTSD, that isn’t surprising. Emotional and psychological abuse tends to leave a lasting impression. Have you engaged in any of your own BH treatment? I highly recommend it as evidence-based psychotherapy (EBP) does much more than most realize. Yes, one can learn deep breathing and various other strategies and techniques, but there’s a underlying neurobiological benefit as well. Another huge concept that I’ll attempt to summarize as this; you can teach your brain a new way to think.
One thing I really pushed with those entrusted to my care was their accountability and ownership of their own mind. As long as you have mental competence and capacity, you are in charge of your brain and not the other way around. Typically I’d add some levity to this conversation, but that seems a bit more difficult for me to accomplish in these messages. Fortunately for me I can plagiarize from those that are better at that skill and create memes. I tried to add one to this message but failed miserably. I’ll work on that for the future 
Wish you the best,