Would you be so kind as to give me a general starting place? I have a grandson that has outbursts at school, they are fairly controlable at home but for some reason he feels it's okay at school. He has kicked at adults and the other kids, tried to run away, hit, screamed and turned over chairs. My son took him to a doctor who observed him for an hour then stated she didn't believe he was ADD but from the school's information and my son's she put him on a medication for bypolar. As with everything we have tried, it works for awhile then he has another outburst. We are very warry of doctors and the whole "system" the kids can fall into. We are all at the ends of our ropes and are willing to do whatever he needs to feel better...........he has a step-mom and no contact with his real mom, if you can call her that. I love him so deeply and we are greatly concerned with his welfare. Any suggestions on how to get the ball rolling would be greatly appreciated.
Help for Grandmaw Cunningham