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Sharon, I "read" online that you arent supposed to boil the cans anymore.  I did that one time maybe 10 years ago making a pie.  Had no idea I was making something  Heck maybe I got the idea here! 

I love the soda pop jelly's.  It is easy as all get out to make jelly if you dont use  And I have found another wonderful use for my crock pot.  It makes the best butters.  As far as Im concerned, I either have jelly or butter.  I made a batch of banana/strawberry butter the other night. 

I have talked to two of the manufacturers that do those huge jars of pickled eggs and no one can tell me what they do to make it safe for their eggs to sit out on the shelf for months and what home cooks can do to do the same thing.  Everyone just keeps saying, hmm, good question.  LOL.  Maybe they arent as safe as everyone thinks they are. 

I got my water bath steamer and I love it.  Its so easy to use.  Tony is going to get me a pressure cooker soon so we can get a lot of the frozen deer meat out of the freezer.  We will need the room.  We also dont have a deep freezer here so canning is a better way.  I still need to get bookcases to store everything because this kitchen is simply made.  Very few cabinets.
