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Not bad. difficult child 2 got me roses through school, difficult child 1 made me a bag with a flower & a card (this is the first MD anything I have ever gotten from her). Also she and husband did a smidge of cleaning in the house.


I informed them I wasn't doing anything useful at all on Sunday. Hahaha. Joke was on me. husband worked Saturday night so I expected him to come home & go to sleep. Yeah. I did take a nap mid-day. Then he decided to take one. Fine, but then he wouldn't get up when he said to wake him. BM brought difficult child 2 back an hour and a half late, he came in crying because she told him it was his fault he forgot his backpack and that he thought he was supposed to be back later. How is that HIS fault? Got him calmed down and popsicled. Dishes piled in sink, difficult child 1 demanding I go get husband's nail clippers for her. Uh huh. Reminded her I'm on strike.


So it was good until about 4:40 PM! Then it was like, OK, day's over, back to normal. Sigh.


I did get a cute card from my Mom, and from father in law, and from mother in law too. Perhaps someday I will get husband trained in that... I'm the one that buys all the cards! (We have a drawer full of emergency backup cards... He could even dig there!)


Well, it could have been worse. At least I got remembered. And I'm probably being picky. There are a lot of moms who have it a lot worse than I do.
