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I had lots of problems as a kid. For years and years we thought it was early onset bipolar. Now high functioning autism is being explored for me, strictly for Disability. At this time in my life, I don't care about the labels. As a child, I not only threatened to break things, I did break them. medications put an end to that, but not until adulthood. I definitely have, and always did have, some stuff going on--probably early onset bipolar mixed with High-Functioning Autism (HFA). Those disorders can seriously frustrate children and adults into doing things "normal" people have the restraint not to do. That is why early treatment is so important, and trying to figure out what is what is equally important. ODD is a label that explains a certain aspect of behavior, but doesn't say why and it rarely travels by itself. In short, I'd say it's not the norm for kids to threaten to break things or to break things, but it IS the norm if the child has a disorder (or an adult) and has not yet gotten a proper diagnosis and proper treatment. That can take a long time and is in no way a reflection on your own parenting skills.
