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Of course they each have their own personalities and quirks but sometimes what happened to the dog before you got it can profoundly affect their behavior and demeanor.  If you got your Precious at three months, what happened to her in those three months could have greatly affected her personality.  Those first months are where they should be with their mother and littermates learning to socialize and get along with other dogs.  If they leave their litter too early, their socialization with other dogs never really happens.

I'm not one to give advise on it because my four dogs have to be kept separated and I have to use the old "crate and rotate" routine.  My sweet, adorable Katy could be considered very "dog aggressive" but it's really not her fault and I don't think there's any way to change it now.  I'm her third owner.  She came to me right before her second birthday and she's eight now.  Her first owner was an irresponsible wanna-be "breeder"who took her away from her mother way too soon and raised her alone in a pen with the idea of using her to crank out puppies.  She was never around other dogs during this formative time, only people.  As a result, she absolutely adores people, the friendliest dog on the planet with people, extremely good with kids too, but she has no use for other dogs at all.  She never learned to play with other dogs, and she only sees them as rivals for the attention of the people, and she just wants them GONE!  And it didn't help either that she was bred way too early ... she had already had two litters of puppies before she turned two which is never good.  And having two females together can be very difficult.  When I first got Katy, she and Ragan tolerated each other for the first six months or so, but one day they just looked at each other wrong and the fight was on!  Katy and Ragan hate each other.  And Ragan will actually tease and taunt Katy to make her mad!  And for some reason Katy annoys Trace and he won't have anything to do with her.  And Ragan has tried to bully Trace before which caused him to bite her on the lip and draw blood.  Which is why they all have crates and have to take turns being out.  Not good but it's the best I can do.
