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Do you have a choice not to allow the contact between them? Just curious being that he is no longer under age. I know I tried to control who my son was hanging out with regularly as soon as I knew he was smoking pot and it NEVER did me any good at all. I thought it was at the time but looking back I think it only ever made things worse.the more critical I was of these people the more appealing they were to him and the more he felt the need to defend and protect. The truth is that he does not need girlfriend or her mom to get into trouble, just like my son didn’t need the kids who I thought of as the bad influence to get himself into trouble. When they are addicted they flock to others who are addicted. I often think now about how many other parents thought of my son as the trouble that sent their kids down the wrong path. I am in no way judging your choice try to keep them apart, we do what we feel like we’ve got too.
