Thanks for the replies. We still don't have it. The pharmacy says they need a doctor authorization before insurance will cover it. In the meantime, I had looked up side effects and of course was horrified, however, I know most anti-depressants sound scary if you look up side effects. At this point, I'm almost willing to try anything. She's out of control. Today, I was only about 2 minutes late and found her involved in a food incident already at the fine arts academy while she was on break. Everyday, I go out of my way, even in this high-gas economy, to go back up to the academy for each and every break to monitor her. She admits to hoping I won't show up so she can give in to her food Obsessive Compulsive Disorder (OCD) behaviors. It's awful. Before anyone starts posting tips, YES, I DO send her with her own snacks, etc. Nothing has worked. She will pester other kids for money or even steal, just to get food from the vending machines. I've seen other kids buggingeach other for money too but this is beyond that. She doesn't care at all if she ostracizes every last kid begging them over and over again. She's not always this way but we have NEVER had this food compulsion totally under control. It gets more severe if she thinks she's getting away with it at all.