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I understand how you feel i had a hard time explaining my  to my husband, but within   time he began to understand for him it was hard because he thought that i should spank my son for his behavior i and i was always explaining that that wasn't the answer he thought i was okaying his outburst !.

I started allowing him to be involved with my son's doctor visits and the things i could not explain to him without him thinking i was taking up for my son i allowed the doctors to explain and now he knows his outburst and why he is the way he is and he handle my son very well .

We even both have a behavior modification plan that i allowed him to help me put into affect . At frist i didn't tell him what was going on and i tried to handle it on my own , but now that he is involved it is making it easier and he is a judgemental now and he see that all my hard work is not in vane .

I also prayed that god will give us both understanding and it helped also. :angel:
