This is an update and I guess I need some support that I am doing the right thing. Background -son in jail for domestic abuse wife was also in jail for same thing but bonded out. We did not bond him out. She is very manipulative and accused him, among other old boyfriends of the same thing. I know that some woman continue to find abusive men but she came to me after the first time and told me that he did not do anything and she had lied to the police and court. This time she said things got out of hand and he just didn't seem himself and that she did not press charges but the sheriff's did. Son claims he didn't do anything except for go back to the house when he shouldn't have.
He is suppose to go to court in about 11 days.(First day of our vacation) He said he may plea out just so he can get out. If he says he didn't do it then they will set a pre trial then a trial and then if he is found guilty he will have to wait until sentencing. The pretrial and trial would mean that he would most likely be in there for about 2 more months. He said he can't sit in the little concrete room with nothing to do anymore. They do not let them outside nor exercise as they are suppose to. He did finally get the book I sent but that was only because of guard, that was nice, and hunted it down for him.
Here is the dilemma - He has been convicted of other crimes before but nothing violent. They let him plea no contest to the one before and a non violent charge . He would most likely not be able to get a job in his chosen field with a violent crime conviction. He said that is why he wanted me to bond him out so he could fight it. I do understand why he would want to plea just to get out. Many poor people do this. He only thinks of the next day and can't delay gratification for anything so I am sure this is no different.
My concern is that if I bail him out, which I have to put down 10% and then promise to pay the rest if he doesn't show up,that he won't show up. He has missed court dates before and will not be living in the same state and has no car to get there. We could afford if it was something that had to be done. They will probably give him time served and then a 1 year of probation which he will have to pay ???? if he pleas. Should I bond him out? My husband is waffling again so makes it even harder. I just don't see the end in this behavior. It seems if it was not this it will be something else. He hasn't been stable for the last 10 years. It's so hard to watch him destroy his life bit by bit.