The bleeping school gfgd attends...for the moment....called my cell phone's only for of course when it rang I was panicked thinking my hubby was in trouble....that situation I could have dealt with I am sure.
Anyway, it was the vp with whom I have the greatest relationship ever...such a nice man, always calls to check in to see how I am holding up with gfgd crap/crud/weirdness....whatever....
He was calling to let me know that the teachers are VERY concerned about gfgd sudden turn....she's gotten even stranger in the last walks around the high school with her face completely whited out, shaved off her eyebrows, wears all black, now has a vampire cape with standup collar, wears fake fangs, has red coloured contacts(she has perfect vision by the way) and hisses at people who look at or come near teacher is extremely nervous around her as she heard gfgd threaten to drain another student of his blodd :smile:
He knew I couldn't do anything....but wanted to give me a heads up. He wants to help me get her into a treatment centre because as he said it's obvious the group home is only about $$$$$ and not concerned at all about her mental health.
All the teachers say that she is slipping further and further....for crying out loud even the goth kids say she is over the edge....
Sorry...needed to I'm off to cuddle with hubby for a bit and treat my other pcs' to mcdonald's.....