Sheena-Warrior Momma
Hello all, it's been awhile since I've been in here and just need to vent. Today difficult child's teacher called about his behavior at school today. :tissue: He's in 4th grade this year and it's been HORRIBLE since DAY 1. This is the kid who usually takes a month or 6 weeks to start the acting out, that's how long it takes him to "feel out" his new teachers. USUALLY! Not this year!
He won't do his homework or lies and says he did it (hasn't turned in all his homework once), his behavior has been horrific, and he's refusing or "forgetting" to turn in his class work. We've only been back to school for 7 weeks and I am soooooooo tired already I don't know how I am going to make it through the week much less the rest of the school year.
We've tried grounding him, it doesn't work. He just keeps getting in bigger trouble. We've never had this many problems this early in the school year! Summer was horrific also, he started just leaving the house and going places without telling anyone leaving us to run around the neighborhood CRAZY with fear looking for him.
Does anyone out there ever feel like giving up? I just don't have a CLUE what to do anymore! UGH! :bloodshot:
Anyway, thanks for letting me vent. :rolleyes:
He won't do his homework or lies and says he did it (hasn't turned in all his homework once), his behavior has been horrific, and he's refusing or "forgetting" to turn in his class work. We've only been back to school for 7 weeks and I am soooooooo tired already I don't know how I am going to make it through the week much less the rest of the school year.
We've tried grounding him, it doesn't work. He just keeps getting in bigger trouble. We've never had this many problems this early in the school year! Summer was horrific also, he started just leaving the house and going places without telling anyone leaving us to run around the neighborhood CRAZY with fear looking for him.
Does anyone out there ever feel like giving up? I just don't have a CLUE what to do anymore! UGH! :bloodshot:
Anyway, thanks for letting me vent. :rolleyes: