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G'day totoro, sorry you can't sleep. I was thinking it was a bit early. I mean, I could have posted ages ago but these days i try to wait for someone else to start. otherwise I'd be starting the morning thread all the time!

The apple pie sounds good. I remember my mother's apple pies - mostly a very thick layer of crust with somewhere in there, a thin sliver of apple. But she made fabulous apple jelly. I'd be watching the juice drip for days.

And as for reading text books - I always figure it's a win-win situation. If it doesn't put you to sleep, you end up learning stuff.

It's mid-late afternoon here. I just sent difficult child 3 out to deal with the chooks - collect eggs, help me dig out the chookhouse into the vegetable garden, that sort of thing. I want a big pot full of dirt so I can plant a small herb garden. I also need to put a bit more dirt in the tomato pot. It's a warm spring day, with a lot of heat forecast for tomorrow. I'm supposed to be going to the book launch for my friend (the book I worked on for her) at some stage tomorrow, but it will be at the hottest part of the day, heading for the century, in the old numbers.

About an hour ago husband got home from playing trains (laying new track, actually) and visited the fish market on the way home, so we have fresh bream for dinner. Not sure what else - the only lettuce we have is what is growing, and I've picked just about the last of it for lunch. We'll have to buy lettuce through summer, it just takes too much water in the worst of the heat. I did have more lettuces, but I think the cockatoos got to them when the net briefly blew off the vegetables. The rotten birds! They don't eat the lettuce, just decapitate it for fun.

Enjoy your Saturday.

