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Good No Meltdown Monday Morning 

Sharon, thanks for the sentiment!!!  We got the ice but not the snow.  Schools are on a two-hour delay so I think the kids will take it.  Sounds like a busy week for you - take some time for you Sharon  :princess:

Marg, g'day to you and yours!  Sorry the water was too cold for your evening swim.  Here's hoping you get your article finished in record time and can take your swim tomorrow.

Kids are still sleeping as they are both on a two-hour delay.  No, no snow - just a layer of ice covering everything.  We started with snow yesterday around noon and we were all hopeful.  But, it quickly turned to sleet and freezing rain - just bothersome - not fun.  /ubbthreads/images/graemlins/919Mad.gif

Usual Monday after I get the kids off - little re-straightening the house after the weekend, couple light loads of laundry and a quick trip to the bank and grocery.  difficult child has his first "Mad Science" after school today.  Last week he started a cartooning class after school and loved it.  Crossing my fingers for this one.  He's never asked to do so much after school stuff......

Have a great Monday - remember it's No Meltdown Monday - take care.

