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Well, our Grandson has been with us about 9 months now. So much has happened. Originally, the goal was to place him back with his father, but that has changed and now he is to be placed with his mother, if she can get her act together. I have no doubt that she loves him, but she is so immature and responsible in almost every way. I really don't see good things coming of this.
We go to court again, tomorrow. CPS plans to lay out the facts to the judge and not make a recommendation as to placement. His caseworker and I agree, feel that they would me making the choice of the lesser of two evils and they feel that the judge should do that. My Grandson has been assigned a CASA worker. I'm not thrilled with her per sey, but she does listen to what I have to say and has changed her report to add suggestions that I have made. She is advocating placement with our Grandsons bio mother, with a CPS monitored return and has suggested legal visitation for us with our Grandson as a way to be able to monitor his safety.
Our Grandson..................... does not want to go home. I mentioned to him a couple of weeks ago that court was coming up and that there was the possibility that he may go with his mother. He has said that he wants to stay here and just have visits with his parents. That's sad isn't it? He'll say, I'm not ready to go with them yet. He worries that he will end up in foster care again. He is "kissing up" big time. I love you's are flying around often, my husband and I get lot's of compliments from him, at five he's offering to help clean, sweep, mop the house and anything else he can think of. His behavior has been outstanding! I'm happy his behavior has been so good, but it's for the wrong reasons. I think he's trying to prove how good he is so that he can stay.
I know he'll have to go to his mothers. It's breaking our hearts. His teacher has requested that he be able to stay for the rest of the school year. Everyone else agrees, we'll have to see what the judge says. Our Grandson has made such great strides in every single area!
We went thru some very difficult times over the last few months, but have seemed to worked most of it out.
I would appreciate some good thoughts for tomorrow that the judge does what's best for our Grandson. I'm fairly certain he will as he has been reasonable the other times we have been in court.
We go to court again, tomorrow. CPS plans to lay out the facts to the judge and not make a recommendation as to placement. His caseworker and I agree, feel that they would me making the choice of the lesser of two evils and they feel that the judge should do that. My Grandson has been assigned a CASA worker. I'm not thrilled with her per sey, but she does listen to what I have to say and has changed her report to add suggestions that I have made. She is advocating placement with our Grandsons bio mother, with a CPS monitored return and has suggested legal visitation for us with our Grandson as a way to be able to monitor his safety.
Our Grandson..................... does not want to go home. I mentioned to him a couple of weeks ago that court was coming up and that there was the possibility that he may go with his mother. He has said that he wants to stay here and just have visits with his parents. That's sad isn't it? He'll say, I'm not ready to go with them yet. He worries that he will end up in foster care again. He is "kissing up" big time. I love you's are flying around often, my husband and I get lot's of compliments from him, at five he's offering to help clean, sweep, mop the house and anything else he can think of. His behavior has been outstanding! I'm happy his behavior has been so good, but it's for the wrong reasons. I think he's trying to prove how good he is so that he can stay.
I know he'll have to go to his mothers. It's breaking our hearts. His teacher has requested that he be able to stay for the rest of the school year. Everyone else agrees, we'll have to see what the judge says. Our Grandson has made such great strides in every single area!
I would appreciate some good thoughts for tomorrow that the judge does what's best for our Grandson. I'm fairly certain he will as he has been reasonable the other times we have been in court.