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When I read your 1st post something stuck out and I mean REALLY stuck out.  Something worth building on.  You said he's really kissing up and mopping, sweeping etc and isn't it sad that these behaviors are because of him wanting to stay - for the wrong reasons.  I KNOW what you said but I think there's something there.  BECAUSE.....when Dude got to that place in his behavior where he was doing things for a stretch of time - the therapist and therapist REALLY were interested in it. 


They told us IF he could keep it together for XX weeks (say before Christmas) he could do it longer and longer and longer and....that it was a sign of LEARNED BEHAVIORS....which was EXCELLENT and in difficult child's favor.


I'm not professing he's perfect - but he IS in a home with a stable Mom and Dad person, he has GREAT role models, he has stability, he has care, he has education and most of all he has LOVE.  I believe what you are seeing is a change in his brain maps.  BRAVO!!!!! INCREDIBLE too- we were told this takes years and years with behavior mods.


I also secretly hope that he stays with you forever and visits his Mom.


Had to chuckle about the former cigarette person you never thought you'd be - I AM GETTING RIDICULE every single day about it.  I think the last debate with DF I was called RIGHTEOUS.:ashamed:....gotta love


My prayers are with you and the little guy always.


