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G'day, everybody, Enjoy your snuggles round the fire. Linda, are you doing anything for your sisters' arrival? Or are you counting on them fussing around you? It's a novel thing, being guilt free.

Sharons, and TM, enjoy your cold weather. Cleaning the house is one way to keep warm; sounds like you  both enjoy the cold weather. Whenever I hear of snow in your area, I will think of the lodge where we stayed in New Zealand, and difficult child 3 wandering around outside in the snow, occasionally grinning through the kitchen window at us, now all read and face happy.

We've had wet weather all week, with occasional sunshine. Some very close storms, but my garden is loving the rain. My tomatoes are forming well on their trusses.

Daisy the budgie is enjoying the new, higher location for her cage - she still gets herself out of it unless we actually wire the doors shut, but during the day we let her roam  free, she spent most of today very quiet, content to sit on top of her cage, only popping inside now and then for some seed and water.

easy child 2/difficult child 2 has finished her two weeks of prac and is fighting a head cold, no doubt caught from the little darlings. The school year is winding down for difficult child 3, I really have to push him for a while to catch up in some subjects.

Wish me luck!

Enjoy your Friday, everyone!

