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PASA, wrapped up in myself and my problems I missed your thread update. Nothing more to add that has been said. Except to echo this: You have done everything right and continue to do so.Good.

What an axxhole. (Sorry.)

He will soon be in jail and I hope it is very, very soon. I hope you are pressing charges about the vehicle. Do you have a restraining order?

There is nothing more in your arsenal to do except to follow through to make sure the consequences are his for what he has done. You had no other option. Every single thing that has happened is a consequence of his actions. It does not make it pretty or nice but it is the real world. There is no other world for him to live in. As I assume, he has tried serious drugs. Did it work?

Eventually he will catch on or he will be caught.

With behavior like that, nobody will want him near them or on the streets. There will be no support and no trust. By you, by friends or professionals or anybody. He is learning that, and he must learn it.

He is acting the thug. He knows better. He knows right from wrong, he just throws a fit if he does not get immediate gratification.

I have been in this place. Walls, doors, refrigerators, bikes. I wish I had pressed charges. I have threatened a restraining order but did not follow through.

This will play itself out and I hope very quickly. I am sorry, PASA. I think this is a situation that requires very rigid barriers. I would find a way to severe all contact with him for now. He is that out of control. His destruction and threats were clear communication: he needs to be believed.

Even if you believe he would not hurt you, he needs to understand that wilful destruction of property and terrorist threats (in my state that carries a prison sentence of 3 to 4 years) are felonies. I am not sure if these actions exactly fit the criteria (sorry Jabber) but you get the point.

He needs to suffer extreme consequences for these bad decisions. I believe that.

If you feel at risk at all I would take action to protect myself, what ever that would be.

I am so sorry PASA. I am so glad you are here with us. My g-d. When will enough be enough?
