My youngest son is 15. He put a suicide note on his my space page that was a very long mantra and how he wanted to do this for a year, and it's not over anything special- like a "stupid girl". Also about a month ago he put on his my space page a goodbye letter and a friend told the guidance counselor. We picked him up from school and husband thought it best that we just buy him stuff. I knew he needed help, but they were both against anything like that. It's not manly, et.. So Tuesday night someone called my house and started reading this suicide letter to husband who happened to answer the phone. husband just started screaming for easy child and easy child didn't answer and we couldn't find him. I called the police. The end of the letter which we didn't read at the time said he was going to the roof to do it. That's where he was when we found him and he was soaked to the gills. It was freezing rain, like a big cold wet storm and he only had his t shirt. The scariest thing was when I opened up the garage door, thinking I would find something bad. He wouldn't speak to us. He went to the Er and just laid there like a catatonic person. There was nothing in the room but a bed and a tiny light. The next day, he got transferrred to the Residential Treatment Center (RTC). I just got back and I took difficult child, he loves difficult child, they have a good relationship. They just started him today on Prozac. he said that he has a little bit of energy when he first gets it and doesn't just want to lay there, like he does now. by the way he hasn't bathed at all and looks very dirty, greasy and not right. I went to the bathroom and difficult child told me that a girl asked him to drive easy child over her house when they get out. difficult child said he likes it there. Very weird because he doesn't like anything-except the computer and phone which he can't have.
When I took his phone I read the only text message I had ever read, and it was from a girl. A girl he used to go out with in the summer, She wrote the most vile mean horrific things to him. I'm glad he didn't see it. difficult child told me that she ignores him when he talks to her. I think this was his first girlfriend and I truly think he was hurt and it was over this girl. I'm usually more articulate and make more sense, I have not slept. Thank you so much for letting me spill my guts, my BFF doesn't even know all the details, I can't bare my soul to people I know, like I can to all of you.-Alyssa