It’s interesting, this conversation on what our difficult adult kids can/cannot do on their own, even if they have an average/even above average IQ.
My younger step-brother is not and has never been lazy, but he could no more pay bills or keep a roof over his head on his own if he had to than I could translate Chinese. He has been married to the same poor woman since they were teens, and lucky for him that he has. She has kept them more or less functional through the years.
I believe he has fetal alcohol syndrome, though I have no evidence other than that the birth mother was an alcoholic.
His older brother is in his mid-fifties and has lived a nomadic, homeless existence all of his adult life, except when he was married. His wife held things together for a while, till she couldn’t take it anymore. His now-adult son leads a similar life, occasionally.
Their father was a very hard-working person who had no common sense at all and could never pay his bills and keep a roof over his head without a partner to do that for him, despite his high IQ. I do know for a fact that his mother never drank alcohol, so that isn’t a factor for him.
None of them have filters, though they can hold it together when they need to, at least for short periods of time.
In fact, none of the offspring of these two people have led a normal life.
Maybe this is a genetic trait?