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With my 17 yr old easy child I have learned that there are many parents that let the reins loose!

I would watch for changes in her ways, just to make sure this new group is a positive group of friends and she is not walking into trouble staying out late and going to dance clubs.

We can't sheild them from everything even though we wish we could and she has to experience things to mature and grow.

My 17 yr old daughter has friends her age that are allowed to sleep over at their boyfriends homes. in my opinion that is just asking for trouble.

Our curfews with easy child revolve around who she is with and what they are doing.

I would wonder what is going on with a club full of drinkers and my 19 yr old in the middle of it, but as you said before, I remember the thrills of growing up and experiencing the same things and yes it is part of growing up. I just know how much things have changed since I was that age.

I worry about the drivers on the road at that hour of the morning. Yes, some have jobs they are going to but alot are leaving the bars after drinking most of the night to return home.

Hopefully you can find a happy medium between the wee hrs with your easy child. Talking to her and sharing your concerns will help her see you are not trying to keep her from having fun you are just concerned with her being out so late.

My easy child is 2 yrs younger but she is always open to discussion and she understands our fears for her safety.
