Hi. Sorry you had to come back with things so bad.
He is obviously abusive to you, even dangerous. To me, the biggest issue is your own well being. There is no way you should get into a car with him (no room to escape) and you are not obligated to drive him anywhere. If you feel less guilty, give him train money far away from you. A one way ticket. If you feel you must fund a hotel, limit the time. He is able bodied and can take care of himself, I assume.
Until there is an effort for a wayward person to change, or some sort of epithany, which your son hasnt had, they do not usually suddenly change. They may never change. Guard yourself from possible harm from an unstable, irrational adult child. We all must. Violence to me means you cant see me or we only meet in crowded public places... plus the Dad and Mom Bank shuts down. See how they play us? He put you in danger and YOU feel guilty. Is he remorseful? Or does he feel you asked for it? Would you tolerate this behavior from anyone but tjis son?
They can make us feel nuts unless we hit our own rock bottom and say "No more getting a chance to physically or emorionally hurt me again." And mean it. Violence crosses a line in my opinion. And calling you horrible names is childish, ugly and mean. Why even give him a chance to say them? Do you realistically think you can have a normal father/son relationship with him? Sadly we cant always have the sort of relationships we want with our family members, even grown children. It is sad, but we cant invent what isnt there. I know.
I am sad for your sons continuing harm to you. Do watch out for yourself first. Take care!