I am new here and found this forum looking for help. Sorry it is so long.
I honestly don't know what to do anymore! Our daughter is 5.5 years old and we have been seeking help since she was 2 years old. At first she was diagnosed with ADHD at 3 from her pediatrician. After trying 4 different medications and with horrible side effects she sent us to a specialist. The specialist then diagnosed her with ADHD and ODD at 4 years old. We then tried all medications for her age group (6 and under) with very negative side affects. So we kept her in therapy and gave up on medications. I almost kept her out of Kindergarden because we were afraid of how she would do and her getting expelled. We decided to give it a try and she is in the top 3 smartest kids in her class! Her teacher says that she isn't having any behavioral issues at school but then recommended her to be in the guidance counselors small group for social skills. I'm honestly thinking she is having problems and they aren't telling me. Why else would she be in that group. Plus the schools story about that and other things keep changing.
Our pediatrician suggested that maybe she needs a lot more structure at home, I work from home. So I changed everything! Now every part of our day is planned out and stays the same everyday. Still were having problems.
Called pediatrician again and she referred us to a specialist 3 hours away, best in the state! Get the information and paperwork in the mail. They want to test her for asperger's syndrome. Our insurance doesn't cover it. So we are currently trying to change our insurance to get it covered. The treatment is thousands of dollars, which we don't have. In the mean time I don't know what to do!
Her temper tantrums include throwing herself around, hitting/kicks walls or anything else around, screaming and banging her head. Her newest thing during a fit is to hold her throat and say we are choking her. Even if we are several feet away from her. On the weekdays when she is at school she will have 2-3 fits. On the weekends she will have 6-8 fits a day. Now she is saying her teacher and friends at school are choking her. The school put an additional teacher in their classroom for liability purposes due to the lying/allocations. Any advice would be greatly appreciated! Thank you!