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At 22 weeks pregnant I started having contractions. After being hospitalized they were able to stop them but I was placed on bed rest for the remainder of my pregnancy with her. When she was born at 39 weeks she wasn't breathing at first but they were able to quickly get her breathing.

During infancy she was a very happy baby and a great sleeper. I wasn't so lucky with my second child in the sleep department :) Her first daycare she went to at 3 months was a disaster! We pulled her out in her second week. After having many multiple issues with daycare and her behavioral issues at the time I started to work from home when she was 3.

 After going through our pediatrician first I now completely agree that we shouldn't have started there.

We have a lot of mental health problems in our family. My husband has ADHD, I have pretty bad anxiety and ADD. When I was 15 I was diagnosed with borderline personality disorder. He was a quacky doctor :)

We also have bi polar disorder in cousins, depression and anxiety in most of my family. Alcohol abuse on my father side exc.

I agree with the ODD label. Seems like they just did it because they didn't know what else to do. 

I will absolutely look into a  Neuropsychs! I will have to get a referral for one because our insurance requires one.

I will also set up the signature! Thank you!
