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I just re read your response, thank you for such wise advice.  I have been in contact with the daughter I sent money to.  She had another emergency (physical bust up) she ended up in Emergency Room and apparently has a new fracture to her already damaged leg.  She said she refused an immobiliser because she can’t drive with it on.  She is now staying with an older lady who has multiple health issues herself.  I had sent her a new bed mattress and linens to this lady’s address last year.  It does seem as though she can’t live anywhere for very long.  She did tell me that she was up in  federal court on Dec 4 for an incident that occurred with boyfriends aunt in spring.  It was thrown out but I think it would have been very difficult and stressful.  Maybe that was why she wanted to leave town?  I listened to her for a long time and I felt so sorry for her.  I don’t understand why if she was worried she didn’t do her absolute best to keep her job, I don’t know how she lost it.  But it is and always seems to have been a pattern, losing jobs and a roof over her head.    I think she was thankful I listened without judgement and sympathised.  She has had a very difficult yea, she (fell downstairs ?) in October 2023 and has metal in several places in her right leg.  She has done well even if loudly complaining the entire time :) she has a tendency to bad mouth doctors and nurses so maybe that went against her.  I tried my best to encourage her, but I think she was hoping that I could wave a wand and find her an apartment and pay for it.   I think both daughters think I am sitting on a pot of gold.  Neither understand finances at all.Her final text said she would walk into the ocean with rocks in her pocket, Virginia Wolf ?   I know she will never do that though.  I don’t expect to hear from her for awhile.  I did ask how much her car payment is but she didn’t answer that?

My other daughter sent me a cartoon video about being raised by a narcissistic mother, and praised Gabor Mat´e ? She said he had saved her life last year. Strangely enough I had his book The Myth of Normal downloaded already, so I listened to it.

He clearly states that he is not about blaming parents, but encourages figuring out your trauma and fixing it yoursel.

I think I had downloaded it because I found the title intriguing.  Has anyone else heard him speak or read any of his books.

I have to take my puppy out now.  But love and compassion to all of you.  X 
