I have reported everything to the police time and time again..i thought the first time she took off with the 21 year old and was found 8 days later hours away they would do something to the guy but no nothing happened..then after she returned home I found him hiding in her closet early morning she was in her panties and I called the police but again nothing..the police tell me as long as she says he has never touched her that there is nothing they can do..she was walking all over town with him and the police said that she can be freinds with whoever she choses and he is not broking the law so they advice a order of protection I did that and even with me calling the police everyday telling them where they where it took until he was arrested for something else before they served his papers..she was home 2 day very sick coming off drugs wore out for walking in the heat and sleeping in abandoned houses ..after a few days she felt better and he was out of jail and now they are together in town hiding I guess..last I heard from her was 2 days ago..i sent a message I loved her and was worried about her and to please come home..she responded she doesn't want to come home she is being a teenager hanging with freinds and doing whatever she wants..i live in a small town and someone told me where they where staying but no one answers when I go there and I told police where I believed they where but have heard at the same time her 15 year old brother is robbing me and all doped up pissed off and screaming at me about whatever he can come up with..i can go into any more right now..i am nearing the end of my rope..i don't have any idea what to do..