Thanks to everyone who responded. I am so glad that we all have each other to lean on. I dont feel so alone in this struggle. I am happy that I am not the only one who is feeling this way. difficult child's ARE hard to love!!!
The slumber party never happened. She came home at about 12:30 last night, got on the phone and made more plans to leave. I argued with her, told her she could not leave my house so late, she is not an adult, you know the drill, yada, yada, yada. Long story short, here's a shocker, she left!! She said she was going to sleep at "Lisa's house". I have never met this mysterious "Lisa", of course thats because she doesn't exist!!! I hear about "Lisa" only when she is plotting to stay out all night. So no slumber party, (not at my house at least) its now 11 am the next day and my daughter is still not home.
Now I will wallow in the worry phase, you know the roller coaster of emotions we ride daily, worry is the worst one!!!
Thanks all and sending big hugs right back at ya!! I will keep you posted.