I got totally confused with this post above. I got it that there was a conversation but do not know whose words are whose.Cedar, is it you that came up with the 51 percent rule? Somebody did, and it is a good rule. I am 51 percent. Everybody else, 49, max.
It is not healthy love if it does not come from 51, if we are talking about adults. Our kids are adults now. No longer babies.
I do not believe in coincidences, with respect to our families.
Me too. I made the same mistake. My son had special needs. I was careful to not ask to much. (I was also a single mom and working. I did not have anybody with whom to share responsibility. I did not run a tight ship. Both things were mistakes. We did the best we could. When we knew better and could do better, we did. We do.
Mine too. I did not know I had low self-esteem, but I did. I had not resolved many issues from my childhood, about my family. When things got hard with my son, I blamed myself. And then got defensive and got mad. I made myself his victim. Big mistake. Most of us did similar things as did you, QS. Forgive yourself. Please.
How mean and small. Perhaps she has not checked email. Let's give her the benefit of the doubt. It is hard. Nothing in her track record speaks to the desire to act with integrity. I am sorry, QS.
This is so horrible, QS. Do you think your family had issues about self-consciousness about social class? We are a working class family that climbed up to upper middle class. My mother married her second husband for exactly this reason.
What a bargain with the devil.
My sister and I each have professions. My sister identifies as upper class. I continued to identify as working class. My sister feels superior. To the point of contempt.
Who knows what stories she tells about me and my M.
This is horrible. Beyond belief. Beyond the pale. Horrible. She is right up there with my sister. This is hateful.
I think it was extremely gracious to send the email. I think I might do every single thing in a unified front with UAW. I would become a conjoined twin with him. He sounds like such a wonderful person. With great integrity and humanity. It is a miracle that you were able to make yourselves such wonderful people, coming from such a family. I am sorry.