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Four weeks ago, I made a missing persons report to the Phoenix police department. A week later, an officer called to say that he had had contact with our son while our son was shoplifting in a downtown store. He sent me a photo of Josh, and it was difficult to look at. Since then, my husband and I have tossed the idea around of going out there within the next week or so and spending about five days searching for him in the areas of downtown he has been seen. The other night, we sat down to look at flights and hotels, and when we added up the cost to go, we realized it would be at least $2,000 to do this. IF we found him, and IF he agreed to go back home with us, it would be another $1,000. 

We are really struggling with whether to go or not. If we had a good chance of finding him, it would be worth it to us to go. But we know that the chances of us finding him are not great. We have no idea where he is staying. The shelters can't tell you if your loved one has been there or is currently there because of HIPPA, which is absolutely frustrating. I understand the need for privacy in most cases, but when you have a family member who is slowly killing themselves and you want to try to intervene but can't without information, it just seems absurd to protect that person's privacy while they kill themselves.

When the officer called me, he told me that he offered to let Josh use his phone to call us and he offered to help Josh get some help with shelter/addiction. Josh refused, saying, "It's complicated."   So, as far as I know, if he wanted to contact us, he could do that but seems to choose not to contact us. I'm not an expert on addiction, but is someone who is in this situation capable of remembering that and cognitively being aware of that choice?  I tell myself that he could contact us any day if he wanted to, so he must not want to.  But then I think, "Well, maybe he's so messed up from the fentanyl and from living as a homeless person that he can't even cognitively function well enough to make that choice so maybe we need to make the effort to try to find him."

Do any of you have any suggestions, feedback, or counsel about what we should do? What would you do in this situation? If we do go, do you have any suggestions for our search?  (I would take flyers with his photo on it with me to give out or put up in various places)

Thanks for any input you can give me.
