My daughter had her IEE today. She has a diagnosis of Generalized Anxiety Disorder (GAD), the psychologist saw more depression. Not surprising, my son has bipolar. My daughter didn't want to take the tests and had difficulty answering some questions not because she couldn't because she was upset over the testing. My daughter doesn't respond well to new people (shy) and has problems speaking up and verbalizing at times. The tester asked me to tell her how important the testing is. I ended up sitting in the room. I hope the tester could see how it is difficult at times for my daughter to perform. The tester made a comment that she didn't see my daughter cry. I was kinda annoyed. She also asked me what tests she had taken and I was under the impression she talked to the school but the school was only called to arrange payment. So while I was talking to my teenager at home who was reading off the tests she took the tester told me she didn't have time for that and had to get started. It took me a total of 2 minutes to get the info. If the tester made me annoyed I'm sure she gave me daughter the same vibes. So we will see where it gets us. My daughters IQ is above average anyway. I hope the psychologist can put anything in her report so my daughter will qualify for an IEP. I explained all of the difficulty she was having at school and her emotions at school. The school is having a behavorial meeting this week, we requested an FBA and BIP and this is there process called a "FIT" meeting. I'm not sure if it meets the requirements of what we requested so husband is going to find this out.
Its so exhausting. Of course I can talk to my daughter but if her emotions overwhelm her she can't get tested, she can't perform at school and then gets in trouble with school. Can't anyone in this profession help or get a 10 year old child who is depressed and has anxiety?