Deb,it's not a happy pill.
It is leveling out your neurochemicals so you can be yourself. Think of it as a tool to help you be who you are. Similar to a medication to keep your blood pressure normal. It doesn't cure your high blood pressure but allows you to function and decreases the chances of complications.
Medications have bad results and complications a percentage of the time. They aren't to be taken lightly, like candy or a quick fix but they are a godsend to our civilization. Use them as a tool to patch what's not working correctly.
My thinking is almost completely opposite of yours in that I do not believe self will fixes some things that are chemical based. Coping strategies, understanding and self will can help the situation but without the right chemicals in the brain it's pretty difficult. Can't run a car without the oil no matter how good the motor is or how much power under the hood.
There are so many people who suffer with mental illness that think it is a personality flaw. They suffer disappointment and failure over and over yet will not lose the arrogance that they can fix it themselves. Unfortunately, those that love them are constantly being hurt and disappointed by this stand. I'm not talking about you but there is a large percentage of mentally ill people who won't take the medications, quit taking the medications and let their loved ones down over and over because they will fix it with willpower alone.
If you feel the grey shroud of depression laying over you and don't believe it is lifting any time soon, get help for yourself. The medication won't cure it but may make the time shorter or trigger the depression to lift. What's bad about that? It's not the easy way. It's common sense and wise to fix what's not working well.