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"Ok Im going to grieve and get it out of my system, pick myself up and plan my future. Im going to join a gym so I have a place to go to after work to relieve stress, Im going to lose weight and get out and meet new people. I have to survive this crap and enjoy the rest of my life."


SeaGenie, What you said is spot on!! Hold onto these thoughts. Write them down and tape them to your bathroom mirror. Also, put some positive affirmations on your bathroom mirror.

"I am worth it"  "I am a survivor" "I matter" "My life will have joy in it"

Part of changing our lives has to do with changing our thought process. If we go around saying things like "my life sucks" all the time then it will but if we change that to "my life has endless possibilites" it opens up opportunities.


You have survived an enormous amount of pain. Death of loved ones is really hard. When my mom died I experienced such a deep pain that cut me to my soul. I learned an important lesson, to embrace the pain as it was a testimony of the love I will always have for her. There is a difference between embracing the pain and letting it consume you. When you "embrace" something you are in control, you are the one holding it. When you let something "consume" you it's like a fire that destroys.

I have also lost other loved ones. I carry their love in my heart, I cherish their memory and am grateful for having been blessed to have them in my life.


You are doing GREAT!!!!


((HUGS)) to you..........
