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The thing is Sammy does have the ability to use complex sentences.  For instance, he can say, "lets go to the woodlands and I go in the museum"  His speech and language has improved greatly.  A lot of it is part strong will and part lack of comprehension or not being able to say the words as fast as his brain is thinking a thought.  Yesterday for instance he was telling us a story.  It was just a collection of random words.  There was no story or words that fit together.  It was just random words.  Other times, He does tell a story.  Later he told us in house lives a little sammy a big sammy and a huge Sammy.  He was making a silly story and we really went with it.  The thing with Sammy is his behavior is always the thing that stops the progress.  We also have all of the Pervasive Developmental Disorder (PDD) issues and typical behaviors.  As his seizures have stopped these behaviors of become more noticable.  He knows what he wants and has the ability to tell us!  There are times he uses this voice and accent and we know as soon as we hear it, no intelligable words are going to come out.  Nobody knows what this is or why he does it.  I know it grates through us like a knife!  We are doing the ABA at home but we need to find a good speech pathologist in our area.  That is going to be the challenge.  I allready asked the local Autism group and I will be asking the school on monday if they have any good people to use.
