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Hi again family,

Well this meeting was awesome!  What a wonderful change from working with Aly's team.  This is a young, dedicated, very well educated group and the meeting went so well.

Jayme qualified for Special Education services with the Primary Disability of :  Speech and Language Impairment

and a Secondary disability of: Large motor skill delays

They are NOT labeling her with any thing yet other than the above.  And, although she does have a few red flags for being on the spectrum, they want to re-evaluation her in a years time (or sooner if we want) to see what progress has been made and what is still jumping out at us/them as issues.

She will get 30 minutes weekly of individual speech, but speech is integrated into the entire 3 hours she is there Monday thru Thursday.  She will ride the bus which will pick her up in the morning at home and then drop her off at daycare for the afternoon, at least until my back heals more. 

I adore the Special Education main teacher, but she will be going on maternity leave in 2 weeks, but expects to be back the beginning of next school year. 

They are requesting Occupational Therapist (OT) evaluation, will most likely get Occupational Therapist (OT) services started once they have her in the classroom a while and see what her delays are.

So, overall, they covered everything we are concerned about and we weren't rushed or felt pressured at all. 

Whew/phew, glad that is over with and Jayme will hopefully gain alot of growth over the next few months.  She will start next Wednesday, was going to be Monday but she is now home sick so we are giving her a few more days to be at her best to start.

Thanks for listening!  It is wonderful knowing you guys are here when I meltdown, lol!!


