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I don't know how tight market is for delivered meals in your area, but around here the biggest customers are elderly. For us it is often public side that provides those, but it is also quite common that kids buy the service for their elderly, but still capable to cook, so not receiving the service from social security, parents because they are worried they don't otherwise eat regularly and well enough but will just skip the meal for a sandwich etc.

Other, very peculiar niche for this kind of business could be home baked things that actually look home baked. Of course I don't know if your kids' clubs, schools, sport groups etc. fund raise by selling home made goods in these or that fair or market or whatever (and parents buying back the same goods they made so paying double for them in the end.) It is extremely frustrating for parents who have more than one child in activities. The amount of cookies and cakes and whatever you are supposed to bake builds up real quick. And just giving money isn't option, because "that wouldn't be fair for poorer families." So we cheat. You can't really go and buy things from store or bigger bakeries and not get caught (and probably being guilty to some tax fraud or something) but there is this well guarded secret on my area (promise not to tell anyone!) abut this small catering business, there you can buy home made goods that really look homemade. In fact they looked like someone who has almost never before baked anything and isn't particular talented in working with her hands would make. In fact it is kind of embarrassing that someone even has nerve to sell something so lackluster, and the first times it really took me some deep breaths before I could make myself to take those things for sale (and I probably claimed husband had baked them or something, I really can bake much better than that.) However, no one would ever believe they are not homemade and that is the point. Mostly they also taste quite okay, so that helps, if you have to buy them back yourself like you usually do. The existence of this bakery/catering business is mostly word to mouth and you kind of have to be one of the 'cool moms' to hear about it, but still, busy parents of busy kids in my area are keeping this lady steadily in business.

I'm not proposing to sell quite that bad products, but if it is possible, home made, not too fancy, things may have surprising markets. There are lots of people who feel need to cheat a bit with home made meals and baked goods for various reasons...
