Oh I am so glad to know you are doing better and taking care of yourself ANewLife4Me! I am an emotional eater too. Been that way since my son started seizing when he was 8. Always eating my feelings and now I eat because it's been one of the few things that I enjoy in life besides my goldfish pond and my flowers. You've inspired me so much with these posts that I'm going to do better too. I'll be 59 one month from today. I watched a show called HEAL last night and it was very eye opening. Stress and our negative thoughts can make us sick. Add eating unhealthy on top of that and it's so not good! Yep, I love me some pizza too!
I had a good day yesterday and I hope you did too. A BBQ sounds nice for you and your husband. I'm glad you still have him and you two have stuck together through all of this with your daughter. Again, I cannot begin to tell you how much you've helped me these last few days. I really appreciate you taking the time to message me. It's meant more than you'll ever know. Literally saving me from myself!