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Thank you MommaTried24! ❤️ You also have inspired and encouraged me to continue on what I must do….that possibly it won’t be the very worst thing in the world. As all of the wonderful parents on here have shown us that the children who are homeless, while not a good situation at all, are making it. Those worst case scenarios are first thoughts when in fact the reality is nothing at all like we imagined. Take jail for instance, horrible thoughts of beatings, her being so scared. In reality she told me it’s not bad at all, they play cards and mostly sleep the day away or watch tv.  Our minds are our greatest enemy. 😊

You sound as if you have had a wonderful day yesterday!  Oh how I thank God for that! We are on the beginning of a new journey, one in which we focus more on US! We will still have a bad day in all aspects of life but….put a timer on it!  I am so glad a member here said that, it really has stuck with me. 😊 I hope that you will celebrate Mother’s Day tomorrow with much joy and do something extra special for yourself! My family has never really celebrated it, just a phone call and maybe going out to eat at a later date.  My daughter never participated in anything we did so I can handle this day pretty well.  But, I have a bit of sadness missing my own mother who passed about 18 years ago. So I will be fine, I hope you will be too!

I am thankful we are able to write and help the other, it’s comforting and I thank you for being there.  We all need to write books here, get it all out! 😁 As I say baby steps, we cannot tackle everything in one go. Say with my diet, am allowing cheating or else I would go bonkers. 🤣😂 I see progress and am not going to stop but, at my pace will continue as I see and am able too. I wake up each day as a new beginning, a new start no matter what happened yesterday….let it go. ❤️🤗
