First and foremost, Leafy, HUGE hugs to are in my prayers.
Now to hijack the thread for just a moment.
LEARN! Learn, learn, LEARN!
Young man, if you want to learn to cook, I bet that aunt of yours would LOVE your assistance in the kitchen. If she can't cook, well, get a cookbook, watch YouTube videos, and give it a go yourself! You don't have to bake a cake or make a standing rib roast. Start small. Make an omelet, make tacos, or pull out the "man card" and barbeque something. If you want to know how to fix a car, take a class. If you can't afford a class, go to the local library and check out "Mechanics for Dummies" - A book I've never seen, but I'm sure it exists.
Education is worth nothing if you do nothing with it. I've seen many, many people who have Bachelor's Degrees and have NEVER worked in the field they studied. You don't have to go to college to be mature or well-read.
My friend, find your passion - there's something that you find fulfilling. If it turns out to be something that earns money, it's a career. If it doesn't, it's a hobby. You are young - there's time.
Do you know how valuable you are to US? We are all of us struggling with out children - but we can't talk to them, we can't understand them. We WANT to...but many times we simply can't. YOUR insight is a God-send. Really.
I believe everyone has a purpose. Maybe helping people like us is yours?
That right there - better than half the people out there.