I am a special parent. No, I didn't raise a Hollywood movie star. I did not raise a pro-am golf prodigy, I did not raise a child who could play the violin at 3, or recite Shakespear, or tap dance like Sammy Davis. I did do my best to raise a child who's "map" was changed due to the behaviors of his bio-father and his bio-father's Mother.
I believe that I was picked to parent this kid because I am wise, caring, tough, determined and because everyone in heaven knew no matter what I would love this child. I was also chosen because I'm smart. I'm smart because I have given parenting a 17 year old child MORE than any other woman I know, and...I knew when it would be best to walk away and hope and pray he figures out lifes lumps to his advantage.
When other parents may have hung on, felt sorry for the boy who had such a horrible childhood, or pitied him instead of making him obey - I loved him with all my heart enough to allow him the opportunity to fall on his face. Parents don't come much tougher than that.
As far as a topic for Al-Anon. What are YOU going to do with the time you have left on this earth?
Quick opener - HOW old are you?
Write down age
Now figure out the average man lives to 78 , woman to 81
HOW much of YOUR life did you spend trying to change the person who brought you to this meeting?
Write down that number.
Now - subtract your expected age from above from the number of years you are now.
This gives you the number of QUALITY years you can still hope to have if you make a decision today to understand the Serenity prayer, change the things you can, the courage to accept those things you can not and the wisdom to know the difference.
Maybe you should start by really evaluating the Serenity Prayer. It's not in the bible - it's not a religious thing - it's just a verse someone calls a prayer because you're asking your higher power for peace.